Nov 07

Croissant and Smoked Oyster Stuffing By The Perfect Tide
Posted by Taylor Shellfish
Recipe from our friends The Perfect Tide!
"This Thanksgiving, I’m mixing my love for seafood with one of my favorite pastries – croissants. They’re quite nostalgic for me, and upgrading a side dish many seek out every year is the perfect place for them!
My seafood of choice that truly transformed this dish – is canned smoked oysters…for so many reasons!
Marrying seafood with croissant to make this dish makes it a decadent centerpiece on your Thanksgiving table!
While not many can get their hands on fresh oysters, I wanted to create an easier version. To make this seafood stuffing recipe truly easy for anyone, you can pickup the ingredients at a local market. But, if you’re looking for quality smoked oysters, I love using Ekone by Taylor Shellfish."
Check out the full recipe HERE!