Jun 25

Paul Kennedy: Half Shell Supervisor
Posted by Taylor Shellfish
Paul Kennedy has worked for Taylor Shellfish for nearly 5 years and has been the live half shell supervisor since 2015. As the supervisor of the live half shell line, Paul is responsible for ensuring oysters are packed and shipped correctly. Ultimately, Paul is the last step between processing and our customers, so he must ensure all oysters that leave our processing plant meet our quality control requirements. Paul likes his job because of the high intensity, which, “keeps you on your toes,” and requires “multitasking to the one thousandth degree.” According to Austin Docter, Director of Processing, “Paul has shown us a desire to put out a quality product day in and day out. His standard of excellence matches our company’s expectations perfectly and we can count on him to see this transferred to every box he and his crew pack.” Austin continued, “His attitude is also something we can count on. Every day he shows up on time and ready to go.” Adam Randal, the Half Shell Processing Plant Manager, added, “Paul is easily one of the most reliable employees and I have had in 10 years! Everyone looks up to him and feel comfortable coming to him for advice.”
In his free time, Paul enjoys golfing, which has been a hobby of his for six years. He also enjoys smoking meat and has interest in trying to smoke his own oysters. Seahawk fans may be interested in knowing that Seahawk Hall of Famer Cortez Kennedy is his cousin! Thank you Paul for all of your hard work and positive attitude that you bring to Taylor Shellfish.