May 16

Celebrate Shellfish Week!
Posted by Taylor Shellfish
Come check out our operations during Shellfish Week!
As part of the Washington Shellfish Initiative, Governor Jay Inslee declared June 4-11th Shellfish Week! The Washington Shellfish Initiative is a powerful partnership between state and federal government, Tribes, the shellfish aquaculture industry and non-government entities to promote critical clean water commerce, elevate the role the shellfish play in keeping our marine waters healthy and create family wage jobs. Our goal is to get people behind the scenes and learn about what it takes to get these delicious bivalves to your plate!
Shellfish Week Activities:
Xinh's at Shellfest Saturday June 4 11:30AM-1PM
Xinh will be cooking up some of her famous shellfish dishes!
Westport Light State Park
1595 Ocean State Ave
Westport, WA 98595
Shellfish Seed Sale Saturday, June 4 8-11AM
Come pick up oyster, clam, mussel and geoduck seed along with all of the necessary growing gear to get your shellfish garden started. Grow your own shellfish for the perfect summer BBQ!
Samish Shellfish Market
2182 Chuckanut Drive
Bow, WA 98232
(360) 766-6002
Samish Tour and Cooking Demo Saturday, June 4 12:30
Tour our facilities at Samish! You will be able to learn about our shellfish operations at Samish and see the farms and shellfish processing rooms. After the tour, there will be a cooking demo where one of our experts will show you how to prepare our delicious shellfish.
Samish Shellfish Market
2182 Chuckanut Drive
Bow, WA 98232
(360) 766-6002
Oyster Shucking Class June 6-8 (Check below for times and locations)
Learn how to shuck like a pro! Our experts will show you all of the techniques you need to master the art of shucking an oyster all while teaching you the history behind how these delicious bivalves made it to the plate.
**No advanced reservations necessary, but please arrive 10 minutes before class. Each class will begin promptly at its corresponding start time.
Monday, June 6- Capitol Hill Oyster Bar 1PM
1521 Melrose Ave
Seattle, WA 98151
(206) 501-4321
Tuesday, June 7- Pioneer Square Oyster Bar 2PM
401 Occidental Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 501-4060
Wednesday, June 8- Queen Anne Oyster Bar 2PM
124 Republican St
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 501-4442
Shellfish Seed Facility, Farm Tour & Oyster BBQ Saturday, June 11 10AM-2PM
Get a chance to come out on our farms and learn how our oysters are grown! Our farm managers will be out BBQing oysters and touring people around our farms and seed setting facilities.
Willapa Bay Farming Facility
3201 Bay Ave
Ocean Park, WA 98640
Shellfish Processing Tour and Xinh Shellfish Cooking Demo Saturday, June 11 10AM-2PM
Come and tour our main shellfish processing plant in Shelton! We will be leading tours every 30 minutes starting at 10AM. After the tour, enjoy a cooking demo by our very own Xinh Dwelley! She will show you all the techniques you need to make a delicious pot of clams.
Shelton Shellfish Market
130 SE Lynch Rd
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 432-3300
Shellfish Hatchery Tour Saturday, June 11 11Am-2PM
Tour our shellfish hatchery and learn all that goes into growing shellfish from their earliest phase of life. Our hatchery manager, Dave, will be leading tours on the hour starting at 11AM.
Taylor Shellfish Hatchery
701 Broadspit Road
Quilcene, WA 98376
(360) 765-3566
To learn more about shellfish week and all of the other activities going on, visit